According to data the district has provided to the state, 8.2 percent of the high school classes last year (2007-2008) were taught by "out of field" teachers. At the districts "alternative schools," that percentage soars to 50 percent and over 67 percent of classes being taught by unqualified teachers. "Out of field" means the teacher is not certified in the subject matter. He/she may lack enough college-level credit to teach the subject.
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I'm making a note to ask our school board members exactly who these folks are and what classes are involved. Here's the source for my concern: Florida School Indicators Report.
Once you are on the page, scroll down to the report you want, load the report and scroll down to Desoto (click on the "school data" link for an Excell report on every school in the state). Here's the DeSoto data extracted:

Other data at the site: Our local high school graduation rate was 71 percent that year. Just 21 students took the SAT exam that year and their mean score was 1450 (the mean scores across the state ranged from a high of 1936 to a low of 1109). And, 136 students took the ACT exam, with a mean score of 17.4 (the mean scores across the state ranged from a high of 26.5 to a low of 12.9). At the Web site you can look up absentee rates, dropout rates, rates of employment, college, etc. Archives go back to the 1996-1997 school year.
Dear Barry:
ReplyDeleteThis is my first exercise in 'blogging'. I wish to introduce myself as Mickey the Dunce and the first comment I'd like to make is THANK YOU. This site, because of its subject matter, is precious to me. Hopefully it will prove invaluable to those in our school system, the faculty, staff and students.
Due to the privacy rights inherent with this blog site, it is my understanding that all comments remain anonymous. This fact alone will provide comfort to the many individuals in our school system that do not speak up/out because of retribution by the school superintendent Mr.Cline. Many school employees, including some of his fan base, have personally told me of this 'rule'; it even pertains to the press- no one can speak to the press without the superintendent's permission. But, as you said in your blog, this edict is probably unnecessary as even the press itself is 'muzzled'. Furthermore, I can personally confirm the local newspaper's favorable bias toward the superintendent- more on this later.
Having stated that this is my first blog entry, I further wish to continue contributing comments about this crucial topic. Since I am a believer in the phrase "everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts" (Moynihan), I will submit only the facts and the logical interpretation there of. I predict this approach will be in stark contrast to the approach by the fan base of the 'status quo' school system. These individuals will present only opinions and even personal swipes, because they have no munitions to do otherwise. Hopefully, those who want change and improvement will be above this nastiness. I will also admit 'hearsay', but note it as such. I believe hearsay to be legitimate and admissable, as it were, because it will allow others to confirm or deny such 'rumors'. Generally, the number of confirmations or denials indicate whether the hearsay is true or not true.
Speaking of truth, this is a good place to relay a story. It has always been accepted that artists and writers struggle to survive, in fact, struggle to avoid starvation. Many famous authors spent time in debtors prison. Two such victims were Byron and his friend Hazlett. Upon Byron's death bed, William Hazlett commented "Death cancels all but the truth". I strongly urge that we all think about these wise words when we submit our comments.
Thank You
Mickey the Dunce